Galaxie pipeline
The "Galaxie" pipeline is designed to provide quick and automatic
data treatment for studying galaxies's spectral energy distributions.
"Galaxie" is written in Java, which ensures compatibility, high
performance, and easy extension mechanism.
The "Galaxie" pipeline is designed for high performance treatment of
galaxies's observations, from the raw data to the high level data
products. It can for example:
- extract 1D spectra from 2D/3D observations
- measure spectral features (emission lines, absorption lines,
indices) from a set of 1D spectra (see also "platefit_vimos"
- calculate physical parameters from emission lines (such as
gas-phase metallicities, star formation rates, ...)
- classify emission-line galaxies into star-forming galaxies and
active galactic nuclei (see also "JClassif" sub-project)
- compute stellar population models with various histories (star
formation, metal enrichment, dust, ...) and any input stellar spectra
- calculate physical parameters from both spectra and broad-band
magnitudes with a Bayesian approach (such as stellar masses, star
formation rates, ages, stellar metallicities, ...)
- calculate velocity and dispersion maps from 2D/3D observations
- modelize the dynamics from velocity and dispersion maps
- plot and fit all results
Up to know, the whole "Galaxie" pipeline is still under development to
make it an interactive and easy-to-use tool, but it will be soon
progressively released on this website !
For more informations, please have a look at present subprojects:
"Galaxie" is available under the free GNU General Public Licence (GPL).
You can freely use this code for what it is designed.
You may ask for the source code at the following address: 
You can also extend/modify the existing code for you own needs. But
please keep us informed of any modifications and/or improvments you
make, by wiriting to this address:
, so that they can be distributed to everyone.
all Java developments / main pipeline development: Fabrice Lamareille
additional Java developments (JClassif): Emeric Hache, Julien Marocco
platefit original IDL/fortran code development: Christy Tremonti, Jarle
Brinchmann, Stéphane Charlot
platefit_vimos IDL adaptation/development: Fabrice Lamareille, Jarle
bayesian optimization C++ development: Fabrice Lamareille, Jakob Walcher
original stellar population fortran code development: Gustavo Bruzual,
Stéphane Charlot, Jakob Walcher
stellar population C++ code adaptation/development: Fabrice Lamareille
additional Java developments (stellar population): Thibaut Mutin
plotting/fitting original SuperMongo development: Thierry Contini,
Mustafa Mouhcine