JClassif (Galaxie pipeline)
The "JClassif" software is a subproject of the "Galaxie"
It is designed to automatically classify emission-line galaxies, plot
and export the results.
Please consult the acknowledgements section
before using JClassif.
Here is the full Java application: JClassif.zip (revision 1.1)
This archive contains four java archives: JClassif.jar (the application
itself), DefaultPlugins.jar, itext.jar, and jdom.jar.
To run JClassif, you need Java 1.6
or latter installed on your computer.
If you want to be kept informed of updates, just send us
an email with the subject "updates JClassif" to
Revision history:
- 1.1: 29/04/11
- new plugins available (S06 and M11 classifications)
- implemented export function
- 1.0: 23/10/09
In order for the application to run correctly, please unpack and keep
these four files in the same directory.
On windows/mac: just double-click on "JClassif.jar" to launch
the application.
On unix: if you have installed the support for Java binaries
(default for all recent distributions), just double-click on
"JClassif.jar" to launch the application.
Otherwise, launch a terminal and type a following command:
> java -jar JClassif.jar
For detailed usage instructions, please consult the documentation.
Data samples may be downloaded here.
Any scientific publication presenting results obtained with JClassif must
contain the following acknowledgment:
"Data presented in this paper have been processed with the
JClassif software, part of the Galaxie pipeline."
A reference to the paper which first presented this software
2010, A&A, 509, 503) will be also
greatly appreciated, as long as a link to
this website (http://www.ast.obs-mip.fr/galaxie).
JClassif depends on the following third-party software (already
included with default download):